
Our investigation of high energy [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] elastic scattering over the last ten years has led us to consider that the proton has three regions: (i) an outer region consisting of a quark–antiquark [Formula: see text] condensate ground state (also described as quark–antiquark outer cloud), (ii) an inner shell of topological (geometrical) baryonic charge of size [Formula: see text] 0.44 fm, and (iii) a core of size [Formula: see text] 0.2 fm, where the three valence quarks of a proton with baryonic charges are confined. The proton structure that has emerged leads to four main elastic scattering processes in [Formula: see text] scattering. The first process (which gives rise to diffraction scattering) is described by a profile function. The second process involves multiple [Formula: see text]-exchanges. The third process in [Formula: see text] scattering is quark–quark scattering via gluon–gluon interaction. The fourth process — which appears for the first time in our investigation of [Formula: see text] scattering — is a glancing collision at the boundary of a proton with that of the other proton. To describe quantitatively the four processes, their parameters have to be determined. For this purpose, we investigate: (i) [Formula: see text] 7 TeV [Formula: see text] measured by the TOTEM Collaboration and (ii) [Formula: see text] 1.96 TeV [Formula: see text] measured by the D0 Collaboration. Once the parameters are satisfactorily obtained, we calculate [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] at 7 TeV and compare with the TOTEM data. We also calculate [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] at 1.96 TeV and compare with the D0 data. We then predict [Formula: see text] elastic [Formula: see text] at 13 TeV which will soon be measured at LHC by the TOTEM Collaboration. This measurement will establish how well we have predicted the 13 TeV [Formula: see text] and determined the structure of the proton.

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