
In this work we study the properties of interacting bosons in a tilted triple well optical lattice potential. A tilted optical lattice is possible to create in an experiment with charged bosons in presence of an electric field. The ground state energy, occupation densities in each well and first order correlation function of occupation densities as a function of the tilt parameter for N = 90 bosons using recently developed Multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for bosons (MCTDHB) are studied. The ground state energy falls off with the tilt parameter for a given value of the barrier height and interparticle interaction. Also the tilt parameter is observed to restrict the fragmentation of the occupation densities in each well and thus promote condensation. Further the correlation between the bosons in different wells enhances with the tilt parameter and at large values the bosons in the first and the third wells are correlated apart from the correlation among the bosons in the same well, while the occupancy in the middle one seems to be uncorrelated with the other two. Such correlation between different wells is not observed in absence of the tilt effect for the same barrier height of the potential and interparticle interaction strength.

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