
Concurrent executions of a zero-knowledge protocol by a single prover (with one or more verifiers) may leak information and may not be zero-knowledge in toto . In this article, we study the problem of maintaining zero-knowledge.We introduce the notion of an (α, β) timing constraint : for any two processors P 1 and P 2 , if P 1 measures α elapsed time on its local clock and P 2 measures β elapsed time on its local clock, and P 2 starts after P 1 does, then P 2 will finish after P 1 does. We show that if the adversary is constrained by an (α, β) assumption then there exist four-round almost concurrent zero-knowledge interactive proofs and perfect concurrent zero-knowledge arguments for every language in NP . We also address the more specific problem of Deniable Authentication , for which we propose several particularly efficient solutions. Deniable Authentication is of independent interest, even in the sequential case; our concurrent solutions yield sequential solutions without recourse to timing , that is, in the standard model.

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