
This study was conducted to examine the concurrent validity of the MMPI-A (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent) in an adolescent offender setting. From a sample of 50 court-adjudicated youths participating in an outpatient counseling program, 42 valid MMPI-A profiles were obtained, 33 of which were accompanied by counselor ratings of behavior problems. The highest mean elevations on the MMPI-A were on scales MAC-R (MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised), A-Con (Adolescent Conduct Problems), A-Sch (Adolescent School Problems), Pd (Psychopathic Deviate), and IMM (Adolescent Immaturity). Counselor ratings of behavior problems correlated highly with scales ACK (Alcohol and Drug Acknowledgment Scale), A-Sch, A-Ang (Adolescent Anger Problems), Ma (Hypomania), and PRO (Alcohol/Drug Problem Proneness). This pattern of results supports the concurrent validity of the MMPI-A for use in this setting.

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