
Establishing a sprint acceleration force-velocity profile is a way to assess an athlete's sprint-specific strength and speed production capacities. It can be determined in field condition using GNSS-based (global navigation satellite system) devices. The aims of this study were to (1) assess the inter-unit and the inter-trial reliability of the force-velocity profile variables obtained with K-AI Wearable Tech devices (50 Hz), (2) assess the concurrent validity of the input variables (maximal sprint speed and acceleration time constant), and (3) assess the validity of the output variables (maximal force output, running velocity and power). Twelve subjects, including one girl, performed forty-one 30 m sprints in total, during which the running speed was measured using two GPS (global positioning system) devices placed on the upper back and a radar (Stalker® Pro II Sports Radar Gun). Concurrent validity, inter-device and inter-trial reliability analyses were carried out for the input and output variables. Very strong to poor correlation (0.99 to 0.38) was observed for the different variables between the GPS and radar devices, with typical errors ranging from small to large (all < 7.6%). Inter-unit reliability was excellent to moderate depending on the variable (ICC values between 0.65 and 0.99). Finally, for the inter-trial reliability, the coefficients of variation were low to very low (all < 5.6%) for the radar and the GPS. The K-AI Wearable Tech used in this study is a concurrently valid and reliable alternative to radar for assessing a sprint acceleration force-velocity profile.

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