
Infant sensitivity to motion relationships specifying certain complex events, such as a person walking, has recently been demonstrated, but the perceptual principles underlying early event perception are not well understood. Retinal motion toward a common point (concurrent motion) specifies translation in depth to adult perceivers in the absence of conflicting information ( Börjesson & von Hofsten, 1973). We tested this principle of event perception with 28 16-week-old infants. One group was habituated in a dark room to a concurrent motion: three points of light moving in a frontoparallel plane toward and away from a central point (not seen). After habituation, the room was illuminated, and looking time was tested to alternate presentations of two displays. In one display (depth motion), three lights were attached to a triangle actually moving in depth; in the other display (surface motion), the three lights moved visibly along the surface of a fronto-parallel stationary triangle. If concurrent motion, in the absence of conflicting information, specifies motion in depth to infants, they were expected to look longer after habituation at the surface motion display. A control group tested infants' relative interest in the two test displays with no prior habituation period. Control-group infants marginally preferred the depth movement display. The habituation group responded three times as much to the surface motion display, suggesting that motion in depth had been perceived during habituation. Specification of motion in depth by concurrency of relative proximal stimulus motions seems to be an operative principle in infants' perception; moreover, at least some principles of early event perception are unrelated to person perception or biological motion. The relation of these results to recent findings in infant object perception is discussed.

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