
Seifi, H.A., Movassaghi, A.R., Mohri, M., Rad, M., Aslani, M.R., Parand, A. and Razmi, Gh. 2000. Concurrent coccidiosis and bovine papular stomatitis infection in calves. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 18: 103–108. A group of 23 calves (2–3 months) showed diarrhoea after weaning and short distance transportation. Buccal cavity lesions of papular nature on the muzzle, gingivae, buccal papillae, inner surface of the lips and hard palate were observed. Buccal cavity lesions showed hyperplastic epithelium which consisted of focal areas of ballooning degeneration. Eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, characteristic of bovine papular stomatitis were seen in the affected cells. At necropsy, sexual and asexual forms of coccidia were determined on the epithelium of the caecal and colonic crypts. Large number of oocysts were detected on the faecal examination. All the affected calves were treated by intramuscular injection of sulphadimidine. Newly weaned calves were fed lasolosid as prophylaxis. One month after the onset of outbreak, the syndroṁe subsided.

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