
Correct concurrent System-on-Chips (SoCs) are very hard to design and reason about. In this work, we develop an automated framework complete with concurrency-oriented verification and coverage techniques for system-level designs. Our techniques are different from traditional simulation-based reliability techniques, since concurrency information is often lost in traditional techniques. We preserve concurrency information to obtain unique verification techniques that allow us to predict potential errors (formulated as transaction-level assertions) from error-free simulations. In order to do this, we exploit the inherent concurrency in the designs to generate and analyze novel partial-order simulation traces. Additionally, to evaluate the confidence on verification results and the gauge progress of verification, we develop novel mutation testing based on concurrent coverage metrics. Mutation testing is a fault insertion-based simulation technique that has been successfully applied in software testing. We present a comprehensive list of mutation operators for SystemC, similar to behavioral fault models, and show the effectiveness of these operators by relating them to actual bug patterns. We have successfully applied our verification and coverage techniques on industrial systems and demonstrated that current verification test suites need to be improved for concurrent designs, and we have found errors in systems that were tested previously.

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