
This study assesses the integrity of OPR1000 nuclear power plant (NPP) containment during top flooding ex-vessel cooling in the event of a postulated severe accident. Maintaining containment integrity during ex-vessel cooling is critical for preventing substantial release of radioactive materials to the environment. To analyze the feasibility of top flooding ex-vessel cooling of the OPR1000 NPP, the spread of molten corium in the dry reactor cavity is first calculated, followed by calculating the concrete ablation depth according to the reactor cavity flooding delay time. It is judged whether the leak-tightness integrity of the containment during ex-vessel cooling is maintained based on whether the containment liner plate (CLP) is damaged or not. In the first step analysis, the spread of molten corium in the dry reactor cavity is calculated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology for various cases, and results indicate a uniform deposition of approximately 143 tonnes of molten corium, with a thickness of about 33 cm, meaning that the thermal load is distributed uniformly in the reactor cavity. In the second step analysis, concrete ablation depths are calculated base on the delay time for flooding the reactor cavity. For the postulated severe accident, injecting coolant into the reactor cavity one hour after breach of the reactor vessel results in a concrete ablation depth of about 0.74 m, indicating no damage to the CLP and ensuring containment integrity. The maximum allowable delay time for flooding the reactor cavity for the postulated severe accident is evaluated to be 2.24 hours maintaining the leak-tightness integrity of the OPR1000 NPP containment. The research methodology and findings presented in this study are expected to aid in assessing the feasibility of top flooding ex-vessel cooling and establishing appropriate accident management strategies for nuclear power plants like the OPR1000 NPP.

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