
AbstractAccording to the modern view, elementary particles (electrons, neutrinos, quarks, etc.) are excitations of some more fundamental medium called the quantum vacuum. This is the new aether of the 21st century. The electromagnetic and gravitational fields, as well as the fields transferring the weak and the strong interactions, all represent different types of collective motion of the quantum vacuum. Among the existing condensed matter systems, the particular quantum liquid, superfluid 3He-A most closely resembles the quantum vacuum of the Standard Model. The most important property of 3He-A is that its quasiparticles are very similar to the chiral elementary particles of the Standard Model (electrons and neutrinos), while its collective modes are very similar to gravitational, electromagnetic and SU (2) gauge fields, and the quanta of these collective modes are analogs of gravitons, photons, and weak bosons. The reason for this similarity between the two systems is a common momentum space topology.

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