
This book has presented a coherent study of social conflict in Indonesia that evaluates the grievance and greed theories of conflict. It has also attempted to determine the socio-economic factors causing four types of conflict in contemporary Indonesia. It is hypothesized that the breakdown of the social contract is a sufficient condition for the outbreak of violent conflicts such as secessionist and ethno-religious conflicts. This study has utilized a variety of research methodologies in its data collection and empirical exercises. The data collection includes a specifically constructed electoral hostility index incorporating information from 282 Indonesian districts, based on a database of electoral conflict compiled mainly from newspaper reports. Empirically, the study employs different regression techniques, including poisson, negative binomial, logistic, ordered logistic, ordinary least square (OLS) and two-stage least square (2SLS).KeywordsSocial ContractRelative DeprivationViolent ConflictResource RentResource CurseThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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