
Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. which belongs to Cucurbitaceae family, is annual climbing plant , fruits are commonly called as winter melon or ash melon. It is a popular vegetable crop, which is especially available among Asian communities both for nutritional and medicinal purposes. It was probably native in both Japan and Java, cultivated more or less throughout the India and also in warm countries. It has been used as a medicinal plant by Ayurvedic treatment and Sri Lankan traditional physicians since antiquity. It is used singly or in various formulations in the combination with different types of medicaments in Ayurveda and traditional medicine both. The fruits, pericarp, seeds, stems, roots and leaves of this plant are used in various types of preparations like vegetable, and in pickles, curries and preserves. It is used in the internal treatment for the urinary disorders such as calculi, dysuria, pain in pelvis and genitals, disorders like gastritis, gastric ulcers, worm infestation, hyperdipsea, anaemia, jaundice, diabetes mellitus, piles, fever, internal haemorrhages, hemoptysis, general debility, epilepsy, cough, hoarseness, all kinds of the asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, ulceration of the lungs, heart diseases, testosterone-induced prostatic hypertrophy and especially in the vitiated condition of the Pitta Dosha.

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