
Abstract Pigeons were monocularly trained on a chain DRO VI 1 reinforcement schedule, on each of the following discrimination problems: (a) up-down mirror-image patterns; (b) left-right mirror-image patterns; and (c) ambiguous figures containing both up-down and left-right cues. Discrimination performance was equivalent on each type of mirror-image problem with the “trained” eye alone open. Pigeons were then tested for inter-hemispheric transfer of each of twelve discrimination problems. It was found that transfer performance with the “untrained” eye open varied with the predominant orientation of the mirror-image patterns. Performance on the 3 up-down mirror-image problems indicated veridical transfer, i.e., pigeons responded maximally to the positive discriminative stimulus (S +). On five of the seven left-right mirror-image problems, pigeons responded maximally to the negative discriminative stimulus (S −) during tests with the “untrained” eye open. These data indicate the occurrence of inter-hemispheric reversal of the left-right mirror-image patterns. Discrimination performance on the other two left-right mirror-image patterns was at a chance level indicating an absence of inter-hemispheric transfer. The two ambiguous figure pairs also failed to transter and therefore performances fell between the inter-hemispheric reversal of left-right patterns and the veridical transfer of up-down patterns.

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