
Concerning A New Bibliography by John J. Reynolds St. John's University (N. Y.) As a contribution to "the greater knowledge and appreciation of Spanish drama in this country," Mr. Robert O'Brien has published a chronological listing entitled "[Peninsular ] Spanish Plays in English Translation " in the pages of the magazine La Voz [Volume V, No. 1 (Oct. 1960) to No. 7 (April 1961)]. The magazine in question, edited by Gaetano Massa, describes itself as "a bilingual publication for students and teachers of Spanish" and is published by Las Americas Publishing Co., 152 East 23rd St., New York City [see Hispania, XLIV (1961), p. 348]. Each of the bibliography's seven installments includes a list of 1) individual plays that have been translated, 2) translations projected or in progress, 3) "translations needed," in the compiler's opinion, and 4) collections containing more than one translated play of a given period. The installments that will most interest comediantes are those of 1960: Oct. (Pre-Lope), Nov. (Age of Lope), and Dec. (Age of Calderón). For example, in the issue of Nov. 1960, the compiler brings to light the fact that Columbia University Library has a microfilmed copy of John T. Boorman's manuscrip translation of El condenado por desconfiado . Wisely, Mr. O'Brien has promised to keep the bibliography up to date by reporting new translations from time to time, and he urges translators to communicate with him at Box 345, Murray Hill Station, New York 16, N. Y. On the other hand, many older translations have been overlooked (what bibliography is complete?). Furthermore, the usefulness of this compilation has been diminished because of the fact that its bibliographical sources are not given. Additional titles would have been found in E. C. Hills, "English Translations of Spanish Plays," Hispania, Vol. Ill, No. 2, 1920, and in E. Cotarelo y Mori, Catálogo abreviado de una colección dramática española . . .' Madrid, 1930, to name but two lists which apparently were not checked. The present bibliography will be supplemented with another entitled "Latin American Plays in English Translation," to appear in volume VI of La Voz. 10 ...

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