
The relevance of research topic is that theme of education is relevant in information society, which is called the society of digital society, smart society (smart society), which requires formation of an appropriate model of creative education and creative personality. The purpose of article is conceptualization of creative model of education as a factor of innovative development of society. Objectives of research: to develop a model of creative education of society of e-era, where algorithms and digital technologies dominate; to reveal conditions and directions of development of technological revolution 4.0 and globalization 4.0, which distinguishes incredible speed during which changes are taking place; to reveal essence of creative process and consequences of its implementation in model of creative education. Using methodology of system analysis, forecasting and modeling, to explore conceptualization of influence of creative model of education on development of an innovative society in conditions of technological revolution 4.0 and globalization 4.0. An analysis of recent research and publications, which launched solution to this problem. We rely on research of O. Bazaluk, V. Bekh, V. Andrushchenko, O. Kivlyuk, R. Oleksenko, M. Kyrichenko, V. Kremen, V. Melnyk, V. Nikitenko, A. Punchchenko, D.Sviridenko, S. Terepischiy, in whose works a creative model of information society was launched. Among foreign authors, we highlight work of such authors as Al-Khalili Jim, E. Brignolfsson, E. Makafi, K. Kevin, O 'Riley Tim, D. Rose, K. Stainer, V. Stargins, V. Tsekalo, P. Florida, M. Ford and others, who presented theme of creativity in conditions of technological revolution 4.0 and globalization 4.0. The scientific novelty of research is conceptualization of creative model of education as a factor of innovative development of society. Results of research: conditions of formation of an innovative society were found out, based on which creation of a model of creative education and creative personality; definition of creative education and creativity personality and need to form a new model of education and personality. Conclusion - Higher school should equip young people to work in conditions of innovation era - new knowledge, prepare to master necessary skills and competencies, to be constantly prepared for constant updating of knowledge of their profession and obtaining new demanded skills of digital society, namely, to develop creative competencies, with communication, information, digital competencies of digital era

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