
Today we are faced with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which directly or indirectly has affected all countries and regions of the world. The state policy of all countries is aimed at containing the spread of the virus and meeting the basic needs of people in forced isolation. This situation has once again proved the importance of the institution of social protection of population (hereinafter—ISPP) and the need to ensure the efficiency of its functioning. The high growth rates of social changes, in turn, cause a certain lagging behind the process of their scientific comprehension — piling up issues unresolved by means of sociological science. Thus, the current system for assessing the ISPP functioning in terms of the actually obtained result against the normative/planned one, as well as the system for estimating economic costs, do not meet the challenges that modern science and management face. Many problems related to assessment of the ISPP functioning remain unresolved. In particular, the entire range of difficulties faced by consumers of social services has not been fully disclosed; the issues of achieving a consistently high satisfaction of vulnerable population groups with various quantitative and qualitative parameters of service provision are acute. The article discusses the scientific concepts and approaches to assessing effectiveness of the social protection of population used in domestic and foreign social science and practice. It outlines the authors' model for assessing effectiveness of the ISPP functioning on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan, which is based on an integrated approach that consists in fixing the temporal and spatial aspects of assessing effectiveness of the ISPP functioning.

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