
The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of ‘Zakat and Ushr’ as a key tool to achieve sustainable development in Bangladesh. The study also proposes an alternative model for Zakat distribution analyzing drawbacks and challenges of prevailed Zakat distribution system. The present study used qualitative approach with intensive interview on about zakat practices in Bangladesh. The study finding from the literature surveys about Zakat distribution affirm that an alternative model for Zakat distribution system can ensure sustainable development through decreasing the rate of poverty based on the Umar bin Al Khattab (RA) and Ummar bin Abdul Aziz poverty model. The study shows that Zakat providers in Bangladesh distribute Zakat in an unplanned and unstructured way which is not the purpose of Zakat according to the direction of Quran and Sunnah. In the prevailed system, Zakat providers distribute Zakat mainly in the month of Ramadan and individual Zakat providers divide whole portion of individual Zakat amount among mass people which are being helpful for poor people to run their family for a very short period of time. Therefore, based on above findings the present study proposes an alternative model for distributing Zakat in Bangladesh considering the direction of Al-Quran and Hadith. This proposed model suggests engaging local leaders, Imam of mosques, Zakat providers and Zakat receivers that can ensure building community-based Zakat funds to develop individual poor people for a long period of time.

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