
Fire burns food to generate energy. Similarly, Pitta in the form of Agni- digestive fire helps to digest food and yields energy to the Sharira (mind and body). Both of these perform similar functions to Dahana, Pachana, Abhipravartana of food. While describing the condition of Swasthya, both Sama Dosha and Sama Agni are mentioned in Samhitas. The importance of Agni (the digestive fire) has already been told by Acharya Charaka when he states that “the cause of all diseases is Mandagni”. In Ayurveda, the five natural elements (Pruthvi, Jala, Agni, Vayu and Aakasha) are present in our Sharira (mind and body) too in form of the doshas: VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. These elemental energies influence everything from our physical shape and digestion to the way we process thoughts and emotions. The best way to understand the doshas is by their Gunas (Qualities). Similarly, the different Guna combinations of the Dosha leads to a particular disease. Doshas are made up of Gunas. Gunas help in maintenance of Swasthya as well as produce the Roga. Hence proper understanding of Gunas at root level helps us to plan the Chikitsa and maintain the health of an individual. The aim of this article is to review how the Gunas of Pitta Dosha plays a role in interpreting disease formation.

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