
Amavata is most common disorder affecting the general population. Now a days, people have adopted unhealthy life style eating junk and doing vigorous exercise just after eating. In Ayurveda the causes of Amavata are Virudhha Ahara-Chesta, Mandagni, Nishchalata and doing Vyayama immediately after Snigdha Bhojana. The clinical presentation of Pravridhha Amavata closely resembles the Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is most common inflammatory arthritis and is major cause of disability. In Ayurveda various Deepana-Pachana, Aushadhis Sewana, Panchkarma therapies (Shushka Sweda, Virechana, Basti and Lepa) are mentioned in the treatment of Amavata. Shatpushpadi Lepa is one of the polyherbal compound mentioned by Acharaya Yogaratnakara in the management of Amavata. Almost all the ingredients of Shatpushpadi Lepa are having anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. So, Lepa by its local application can combat the pathology in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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