
Introduction. Actualization of the concepts in literary texts of certain epoch is traditionallylinked with their understanding as phenomena which serve reflect the tendency of understandingand perception the world. The article suggests a new comprehensive semantic and cognitiveapproach to textual concepts of French literary prose at semantic, metasemiotic andmetametasemiotic levels. The research focuses on revealing the cognitive and communicativedynamics in the unfolding textual concepts viewed through textual implication and explication.Such approach allowed to create a hierarchy of textual concepts and define their functionsin the mid XX-th century French novels. The tendency towards negativity of textual conceptsat all levels of their hierarchy, and the functions of their integration, differentiation andindividualization in the novels under consideration are determined.Purpose. The paper aims at modelling the conceptual space of French literary prose basedon its idea and lingual means.Methods. The paper grounds on conceptual analysis, textual analysis, modellingthe imaginary space, and narrative analysis.Results. The paper proves that author’s and character’s worlds are determined by internaltextual factors of literary text semantics. At the same time semantic of imaginary worlds dependson psychological and sociocultural worlds of textual communication interlocutors. Psychologicalworld of the narrator and character both is distinguished by its duality: the world of each takenseparately character is his internal psychological world, but the later, as independent personality,tries to keep this world unchanged.Conclusions. Turning to the problem of the textual concepts actualization and the waysof text composition becomes in its sense the study of basic mental and behavioral processes,Вісник КНЛУ. Серія Філологія. Том 21. № 1. 201838which take place in literary text. So, complex analysis of literary text which combinesthe modelling of imaginary worlds and narrative of the text through the prism of textualconcepts in conceptual space of the text opens new perspectives for integration the analysis oftext composition and general scientific investigation methods.

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