
In a radical departure from theories based on digital, amodal accounts of cognition and language, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) proposed an account of metaphor as fundamentally conceptual, arguing that familiar linguistic metaphors are but surface manifestations of underlying conceptual relationships. They claimed that most conceptual thought is metaphorical, and conceptual domains are instantiated and expressed in families of conceptual metaphors, such as ‘MORE IS U’, ‘EMOTIONALLYINTIMATE IS PHYSICALLY CLOSE’, ‘ARGUMENT IS WAR’, ‘LOVE IS A JOURNEY’, and ‘THEORIES ARE BUILDINGS’. These conceptual metaphors number in the hundreds (Gibbs, 1994b; Lakoff and Johnson, 1999), and they combine to serve as the foundation for new metaphors. For many of these families of metaphors Lakoff and Johnson trace the underlying metaphor to a literal concept based on embodied physical experience.KeywordsAbstract ConceptConceptual MetaphorIntellectual IntegrityConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphor SystemThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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