
One way to understand a neurobiological system is by building a simulacrum that replicates its behaviour in real time using similar constraints. Bionic eye helps visually impaired people. A neuromorphic system concepts and circuit design method involved is discussed in this paper. The mathematical model has been simulated and validated in MATLAB using artificial stimulus. A photoreceptors circuit realised and simulated using analogue mixed-signal VLSI behavioural modelling. The estimated parameters using the mathematical model are incorporated in behavioural model to describe neuromorphic retinal system topology and performance. The behavioural models hold up the signal flow correlation between input and outputs. A one-dimensional hardware photoreceptors circuit was constructed and the performance is studied under the steady state condition, tested with impulses or step input that simulates the physical dynamics of the biological system using VHDL-AMS which illustrate the specific features of system level design. Finale future scopes are also presented evidently.

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