
The English language makes the speakers part of the global community. For this reason, no one can claim that English is his own language. It has been seamlessly measured to be the first global as well as comprehensive language with the feasibility of communication. It has become part and parcel of every existing arena of activities and professions. The English language has shown its power in several aspects so it has been adopted as the language of global communication, trade, education, science, aviation, medicine, information technology, entertainment, research, international relations, and other human affairs. Proper acquaintance and efficacy of the English language have become one of the prerequisites of every professional person in the globalized modern age. Most countries have their own native and instinctive languages but for so many activities English is being given preferable positions. Various opportunities are open to those who are efficient in this language. It has the competence to build friendships, economic relationships, social upliftment, advance learning opportunities, and cultural ties as well as communicate thoughts and ideas. In varieties of cultures and activities, it has a very significant role. Many people have a firm belief that there is such a thing as World English but they do not seem to realize that acknowledging it has comprehensive consequences. A language learner may be more sensitive to a few of these effects than others in the near future. We can only make learned estimates about what will happen in the future at this point. World English creates the most desired boarding pass to universalism and global commodity as well as communication. India as a developing country has to take up so many things into consideration. In India, there are hundreds of regional languages and more than twenty languages recognized in its constitution. In spite of having so many languages, the Indian government has adopted the English language as a second language for official activities. Various opportunities are being generated with the help of the English language. The present research article discusses the status of English as a language from a global perspective as well as in the Indian context. The English language became a global language owing to its quality of adaptation, borrowings, feasibility, assimilation, and flexibility.

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