
This essay is at once a review of two German encyclopedias and an introduction to their respective versions of Begriffsgeschichte (the history of concepts or conceptual history). These two works are the Historisches Worterbuch der Philosophie (A Dictionary of Philosophy on Historical Principles, hereafter referred to as HWP) and the Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe. Historisches Lexikon zur Politischsozialen Sprache in Deutschland (Basic Concepts in History. A Dictionary on Historical Principles of Political and Social Language in Germany, hereafter referred to as GG). I Although both works are still in progress, they already merit inclusion on the short list of reference works indispensable to anyone concerned with political theory and its history. The publication of the GG and HWP marks the return of German scholarship to the first line of scholarly achievement in the history of political thought and that of philosophy. The GG provides the most intensive history of political and social concepts ever attempted; the HWP, the most extensive treatment of philosophical terms (among which it includes concepts central to political, legal, and social philosophy). Of the GG's projected six substantive volumes, five have

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