
In carrying out its supply chain activities, a project often experiences problems starting from the procurement, production, to delivery processes. Likewise, the Makassar New Port Breakwater development project must consider its risks in planning, implementation and operations. This study aims to determine the risks that could potentially occur in supply chain activities at the Breakwater Makassar New Port development project in Indonesia. Furthermore, it will provide information on which risks fall into the high and low categories. Moreover, the research will provide the results of the mitigation options for each risk. An essential contribution of this research is that the results will give a lesson learned and initial data to determine future risks in the breakwater project. Based on the research conducted, the identified risks in the supply chain of the Makassar New Port Breakwater development project are 38 risks where the dominant risk factor in the material supply chain that influences the implementation of the Makassar New Port Breakwater development project is variable C6, namely the amount of production that does not match the target. In the moderate risk category. From the results of data analysis, it is known that the contractors and suppliers make efforts to reduce the dominant risk either preventively or curatively so that these risks do not interfere and cause a significant impact on the project objectives.

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