
Aiming to comprehend the importance of training civil servants, a feature that has become an integral part of modern personnel management, the author attempts to make a reference to the topic of civil servant training in developing countries as an integral part of the training process. There is no doubt that all governments realize that effective and appropriate training needs to be provided to their civil servants as a matter of maintaining an efficient and contemporary administration as stated in the paper. During the past few years, government functions have grown and expanded rapidly, while the administration itself has become more complex, specialized, and technological in nature. Merit-based recruitment policies and programs in the civil service are aimed at selecting the most qualified and competent candidates for employment in the civil service. In light of the fact that most of the selected candidates possess a degree or diploma, there is no doubt that they are highly qualified and highly educated. In spite of this, an MBA or a university degree does not necessarily qualify them as the best administrators when it comes to their respective fields. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the traditional lecture method and the modern technological method of training for civil service exams. It is also to determine the degree to which these two methods are interrelated. It is pertinent to note that both classes were taught by the same trainer, who ensured that the requirements for both classes were the same. Due to the use of technology in two of the classes, they both provided significant rigor to the training process. Furthermore, both provided participants with valuable information. According to the results of this study, there is a positive correlation between traditional lecture methods and modern technology-based training methods for civil service examinations. Based on the results of the study, this conclusion can be drawn.

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