
The article presents the conceptual approaches to the upbringing in the education of lifemeaningful values of teenagers and early adolescence in Ukraine. The definition of life-meaningfulvalues has been given up. The major problems and contradictions in the upbringing of theUkrainian children were paid attention to. The dependence of the result of upbringing, from thedesire and the participation of all actors: children, parents, teachers is pointed out. Conceptualapproaches to education of life values meaning are analyzed on the methodological, theoreticaland practical levels. The aspects of the previous researches have been underlined. In this context, asystematic approach determines the integrity of the educational process in primary and highschool. Synergetic approach combines the organization and self-organization of the growingpersonality. Humanistic approach recognizes each child's highest value at school, family, andsociety. Personal-centered approach provides individual attention to him, to free choice of that orother life-meaningful values. Activity approach provides practice and deed activity of children andshows how the value of the meaning of life affects the behavior of the individual. The theoreticallevel of substantiation of the concept of education of children of teenagers and early youth givesability to define key points and concepts. Practical level implies the corresponding experimentalactivity, the determination of propriate pedagogical conditions, the selection of content, forms andmethods of education of teenagers and early adolescence. Conceptual approaches offer theopportunity to develop a modern system of education of the values of the meaning of life ofteenagers and early adolescence in Ukraine. Implementation of conceptual approaches aimed atqualitative changes in the education of life-meaningful values among of teenagers and earlyadolescence

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