
The personnel of the enterprise is one of the most important resources of the enterprise. Because the staff is the personification of the system of skills, abilities, and competencies of employees. Balanced management of the enterprise is based on understanding the essence and features of personnel management policy formation. The study of the characteristics of the concept of personnel made it possible to systematize the existing scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of personnel in conditions of strategic changes according to certain characteristics: cost, resource, process, functional, qualified, legal relations and digital. The proposed digital approach to determining the understanding of the essence of the company's personnel is due to the development of digitalization and the transfer of part of the labor functions to automated software products, significant robotization of labor activities. Thus, in modern conditions, the staff is the bearer of the enterprise's intellectual potential and acts as a methodologist for automated software processes at the enterprise. The authors present a thorough comparative description of the concepts "personnel", "personnel", "workforce", "labour resources of the enterprise", "labor potential", "intellectual potential". Personnel is a set of employees with certain qualifications, competencies and skills, who have labor, legally regulated relations with the enterprise. The personnel of the enterprise is one of the key resources of the enterprise, which creates added value of products and services, shapes the image of the enterprise and creates conditions for obtaining profits and development of the enterprise. Personnel management itself is one of the determining factors of business success in the conditions of digitization and globalization of business and economic processes. Effective modern personnel management is based on such key factors as the formation and development of personnel, labor activity, psychological stress resistance, professional qualification level, development and training, age and gender, systematicity and responsibility, motivation, labor migration, mobility and flexibility, level of culture and mentality, moral maturity, physical and mental abilities (talent).

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