
Identified the key role of engineering, and in particular its foreign trade activities in the economic development of the state. Specified deepening in recent years and the current financial and economic crisis in the engineering industry.It is established that the existing control methods are not able to become a key link in ensuring the competitiveness of the domestic machine-building complex, in the external and domestic markets. Proved the key role of planning in the process of formation of effective system of management of foreign economic activity of machine-building complex. The features of planning. Determined the most appropriate model of strategic planning for use in planning of foreign economic activity of machine-building complex. The necessity and timeliness of the allocation of the strategic segments within the engineering industries. Developed conceptual provisions of planning of foreign economic activity of machine-building complex at the expense of justification and inclusion to facilities planning strategic segments formed within the engineering industries, the functioning of which will ensure the competitiveness of the whole machine-building complex on the world market. It has been proved that the formation of strategic segments will allow to harmoniously integrate the competitive advantages and competencies of existing engineering enterprises and to gain new and more significant factors of success which will be a key element for success in the engineering competition in the international market.

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