
The conference Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity at Sapienza University of Rome, from 8 to 12 September 2014, has provided a beautiful opportunity for an encounterbetween different approaches and different perspectives on the quantum-gravity problem. It contributedto a higher level of shared knowledge among the quantum-gravity communities pursuing each specific research program.There were plenary talks on many different approaches, including in particular string theory, loop quantum gravity, spacetime noncommutativity, causal dynamical triangulations, asymptotic safety and causal sets. Contributions from the perspective of philosophy of science were also welcomed.In addition several parallel sessions were organized. The present volume collects contributions from the Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Gravity parallel session4, with additional invited contributions from specialists in the field.Noncommutative geometry in its many incarnations appears at the crossroad of many researches in theoretical and mathematical physics:• from models of quantum space-time (with or without breaking of Lorentz symmetry) to loop gravity and string theory,• from early considerations on UV-divergencies in quantum field theory to recent models of gauge theories on noncommutative spacetime,• from Connes description of the standard model of elementary particles to recent Pati-Salam like extensions.This volume provides an overview of these various topics, interesting for the specialist as well as accessibleto the newcomer. 4partially funded by CNRS PEPS /PTI ‘‘Metric aspect of noncommutative geometry: from Monge to Higgs’’

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