
The article provides a metatheoretical analysis of the ideas of social welfare and public policy goals recorded in the essential documents of the contemporary Lithuanian state. Two methods are applied: a hermeneutical-historical analysis of legal and political texts, and that of rational reconstruction, which is used to infer metatheoretical foundations of the value and normative statements expressed in these texts. The most important among them is the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania which is considered as social contract constituting Lithuanian political nation. Three layers of the citizenship rights – civil rights, political rights, and social rights – are identified in the body of Constitution. They are considered as historically contingent local reflections of the different epochs of the history of Western world, claiming universal significance for some of its outcomes. Two alternative – an individualistic and a holistic one – concepts of social welfare together with methodologies of its measurement are discussed as alternative resources to provide philosophical-sociological metatheory for the text of Constitution. This combination of the methods referred to above is applied also for the analysis of the strategical long-term planning documents elaborated by the Lithuanian political parties and Lithuanian government. This analysis is used to advance the proposal to use the concept of citizenship rent to describe the paramount goal of the Lithuanian national policy under conditions of eurointegration and globalization. The „citizenship rent“ is defined as surplus life chances conditional on the membership in the political nation and due to its comparative advantages that can be augmented by means of public policy.


  • The article provides a metatheoretical analysis of the ideas of social welfare

  • public policy goals recorded in the essential documents of the contemporary Lithuanian state

  • normative statements expressed in these texts

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Politikos sociologija

Socialinës gerovës koncepcijos ir pilietybës renta kaip vieðosios politikos orientyrai. Lietuvos politinës tautos bûklë ir paþanga turi bûti matuojama ðiø LR Konstitucijoje átvirtintø teisiø ir laisviø (kurios, kaip minëta, ið esmës nesiskiria nuo kitø demokratiniø valstybiø konstituciniø nuostatø) ágyvendinimo laipsniu. Dar Frankfurto mokyklos atstovai (Theodoras Adorno, Maxas Horkheimeris, Herbertas Marcuse) ir artimas jiems Erichas Frommas teigë, kad bûtent ta átaka, kurià gamintojai ir masinës informacijos priemonës daro þmoniø norams, uþdaro juos savotiðkame voverës rate: juo daugiau norø vartotojai ágyja gamintojø ir reklamos specialistø pastangomis, tuo didesniø pajamø jiems reikia tiems norams patenkinti, tuo daugiau jiems tenka dirbti; dirbti taip, kad nebelieka laiko „tikriems“ ar „autentiðkiems“ poreikiams patenkinti.[4] Ðis poþiûris implicitiðkai orientuoja á tokià socialinës paþangos sampratà, kurioje ji suprantama kaip judëjimas prie be galo tolimo ir realiai nepasiekiamo tikslo, kuris veikiau primena miraþà: kiek prie jo priartëjame, tiek jis nutolsta, nes auga mûsø norai. Ekonominë gerovës samprata yra formali: jos poþiûriu, individo gerovæ sudaro pasaulio (tikrovës) atitikimas jo norams (kokie jie bebûtø), o ne tam tikra mentalinë (psichinë) bûsena, kurià galima nusakyti tokiais terminais, kaip „pasitenkinimo jausmas“, „po-. Kaip rodo ði tipologija, „objektyviai“ (t.y. tam tikroje visuomenëje galiojanèiø kultûriniø standartø poþiûriu) galiojanèias geras gyvenimo sàlygas nebûtinai atitinka subjektyvi „gero gyvenimo“ pajauta. „Disonansà“, t. y. subjektyvø nepasitenkinimà tokiomis sàlygomis gali sukelti aukðtas individualus aspiracijø lygis, orientacija á svetimos kultûros „gero gyvenimo“ vaizdinius ir pan

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