
The subject of the research is the novels of the French writer Andre Gide "The Narrow Gate" and "The Pastoral Symphony". The specificity of the expression of the author's thought in these stories through conceptual antinomies is noted, as a result of which the study of the concepts of BLINDNESS, LOVE, VIRTUE is actualized. The semantic content of the stated concepts is analyzed, which is carried out on the basis of their definitions in dictionaries and biblical texts. Their representatives are observed, creating a semantic field of the concepts of BLINDNESS, LOVE, VIRTUE, introduced by the author into the composition and plot of works and representing the author's interpretation. On the basis of the revealed meanings and antinomy of these basic concepts for every Christian, their function in the stories is revealed. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the work of A. Zhid from the point of view of the use of concepts is insufficiently studied. The main conclusions of the study are the following. The concepts of BLINDNESS, LOVE, and VIRTUE have a traditional semantic fullness that has developed in centuries-old Christian discourse, but the writer demonstrates the displacement of their evangelical content due to the emergence of new interpretations associated with the spiritual crisis of society. With the help of the introduction of these antinomic concepts into the story, the writer organizes the artistic space of works: they determine the choice of confessional genre, saturation of stories with allusions, reminiscences and intertexts from biblical texts, the use of these concepts to organize the implicitness and explicitness of the narrative. Concepts perform the functions of characterization of heroes, epochs and expression of the author's position.

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