
Abstract : The U.S. Army engages in a great number of construction, renovation, and demolition projects across the nation. A significant amount of debris resulting from these activities is currently disposed of in landfills. Landfilling this debris results in a large burden on the world's natural resources and an increasingly expensive problem for solid waste management. Throughout the United States, construction and demolition (C&D) waste accounts for an estimated 35 to 40 percent of the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream. This research project: (1) identified the primary opportunities, constraints, and means to divert C&D debris from the solid waste stream, (2) evaluated C&D material recycling technologies and materials, (3) identified construction materials from existing facilities that may be directly salvaged or reused without substantial alteration or reprocessing, and (4) developed guidelines that project managers can use to organize a construction project recycling program. This report presents an innovative approach to construction and demolition waste management. The current level of construction and demolition in the Army, and also any programs, regulations, or policies that may affect the level of construction in the future are addressed and provide the justification for increasing the level of recycling C&D waste on military installations.

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