
History department, faculty of human sciences, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq Genocide is one of the most horrible tool that the dictatorial and dangerous authority is used a political tool to terrified also destroy those people who struggled against its power, undoubtedly the main objective of those authorities were destroying those ethnics, which demanded their rights and equality within their authorities. On the other hand, those authorities identified those groups as a threat to their powers and states in the future, they were finding that they were unable to demolish them by military forces. Hence, they were forced to use chemical destruction weapons with the aim of scratching the ethnics and informing them that whenever you would attempt to cross border of their authorities then you would not have a right to life and you would be killed. In the light of that its necessary to search on the concept of Genocide and its types. Cause Genocide would not occur only through killing. This research is divided into an introduction, background, seven sections and a conclusion. Its introduction shows the content of study. Its background attempts to shed lights on the key concepts of Genocide, the first section depicts physical genocide, in its second section this article present the biological genocide, the third section clarifies cultural genocide, furthermore, the fourth section clear up the economic genocide, in its fifth section this study effort to shows bylaw genocide, the sixth section present the religion genocide. Its seven section demonstrates the moral genocide. Its conclusion shows the outcome of this study.

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