
Based on the analysis of scientific concepts, various interpretations of the concept of "form", "administrative-legal form", "form of managerial activity" are considered from the point of view of the science of administrative law and the theory of management of law enforcement agencies. It is indicated that the definition of the concept and content of the administrative-legal form contributes to a full-fledged study of the specifics of the competence of the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine, their place in the system of law enforcement agencies. The proper definition of the administrative and legal form of activity of the SBI of Ukraine as a law enforcement body is provided, which should be understood as the external expression of administrative actions (procedures) of the bodies of the SBI of Ukraine (their officials), which are defined by administrative and legal norms, are carried out within the limits of the competences and powers granted by law, aimed at the achievement of certain goals and the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the SBI of Ukraine by the state, and which, in the process of implementing executive and administrative activities, may or may not cause legal consequences.
 It is emphasized that the administrative and legal forms of activity of the SBI of Ukraine are characterized by the following features: 1) they are external ways of expressing the activities of the SBI bodies of Ukraine; 2) regulated by normative legal acts; 3) are used for the purpose of performing tasks and implementing functions assigned to the SBI of Ukraine in the law enforcement sphere; 4) are defined and applied within the competence of the SBI of Ukraine and depend on the scope of powers of the employees of the SBI of Ukraine; 5) are chosen depending on the ultimate goal, the achievement of which the activity of this law enforcement body is aimed at; 6) mostly cause certain legal consequences.
 It was concluded that according to the current legislation of Ukraine, the administrative forms of activity of the SBI of Ukraine should be divided into two types: legal and organizational forms, based on the significance of the consequences that arise as a result of the implementation of the powers granted to it by law. Legal administrative forms include those that cause the appearance of a specific legal result. Legal forms in the activity of the SBI of Ukraine include: 1) issuance of departmental normative acts; 2) conclusion of agreements; 3) committing legally significant actions. It is indicated that those forms that do not directly have legal significance are illegal. These include: holding meetings, developing plans, projects and programs, forecasting actions, providing methodical recommendations to structural units, taking appropriate measures aimed at improving the quality of practical activities of units.

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