
To describe conceptions of daily life in men living with a woman suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in different stages of the disease. A chronic disease like COPD affects not only the person living with the illness, but also the spouse. Significant tasks and demands are placed on husbands. COPD has for a long time been considered more a man's disease than a woman's disease, but according to new evidence COPD is a vast problem in women, which requires support from their spouses. The literature review did not reveal any previous studies concerning conceptions of daily life in men living with women suffering from COPD in different stages. A phenomenographic study was conducted. Data were collected from October 2008 to October 2009 through semi-structured interviews with 19 men living with a woman suffering from COPD. Two main descriptive categories were found: (1) unchanged life situation where no support was needed; (2) changed life situation related to severity of COPD, where support was needed. The categories were described from the perspective 'ME and my spouse'. Even in their caregiving situation, the men continued with their own life and activities and did not put themselves in second place. No support was needed from healthcare or municipality when the women had mild COPD, but this changed when the COPD progressed. The men felt that daily life was burdened, restricted and the partner relationship was affected, even if the disease had not reached the final stage. The COPD forced them gradually into a caregiving role, and their daily life changed. They become more of a caregiver than a spouse. The men experienced lack of knowledge and support, and they felt that health professionals and municipality did not care about them.

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