
The article outlines the concept of “professional competence of future teachers of elementary school”, analyzes content, structure and the state of professional competence of future teachers of elementary school in higher educational institutions. Taking into account the information above, modern society puts forward special requirements for the teacher’s personality related to those changes taking place in the social sphere and the sphere of education. The implementation of these requirements largely depends on the process of forming the professional competence of future primary school teachers. In order for the teaching staff to be ready for modern professional activities, it is necessary to familiarize future specialists with the features of real pedagogical activity as a whole, with modern requirements to the educational process of the constantly developing school. The teacher’s professional competence is characterized by a rather high level of complexity, tension and intense interpersonal relations. He has to carry out both planned and purposefully organized educational activities, and often make decisions in unpredictable situations of interaction with students, their parents, colleagues. A qualitatively new level of professional competence prepares a future teacher for such an organization of the educational process, during which the student acquires and reproduces social experience, social position, culture of social behavior. Thus, future teachers should become the main driving force behind the revival and the creation of a qualitatively new national education system. In this regard, the main focus should be on the professional training of a new generation of teaching staff, professional qualifications and the social status of the teacher at the level corresponding to his role in society.

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