
Text neck syndrome is an emerging disease of today’s world. The term ‘text neck’ is used to describe a re-petitive stress injury or an overuse syndrome due to forward head flexion and bent down looking at handheld devices like mobile phone, tablet or other wireless electronic devices for prolonged period of time. Our young generation is at high risk of developing this disease because they spend their most of the times by hunching over the mobile phones. It is manifested by neck pain, neck stiffness, reduced mobility of neck and headache. If it is left untreated then it may lead to flattening of the spinal curve, onset of early arthritis, spinal misalignment, disc compression, disc herniation, nerve damage and muscle damage etc. It can be correlated with Manyastambha due to similarity in their symptoms. Manyastambha is characterized by neck pain, neck stiffness and restricted movements of neck. One should follow proper preventive measures to avoid Text neck syndrome, as we know ‘Prevention is better than cure’. In this article Ayurve-dic management of this disease has been discussed in detail. It includes Nidana parivarjana, Abhyanga, Ruksha Swedana, Nasya Karma, Greeva basti and Shamana aushadhis etc. along with these some Yoga-asanas have also been mentioned that are beneficial to combat this disease.

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