
The monograph examines and analyzes the use of air attack tools against critical infrastructure facilities in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, tactical and technical characteristics, options and priority of use. In the leading countries of the world, along with the development and modernization of traditional weapons, there has recently been an intensive development and use in military conflicts of high-tech weapons, primarily high-precision weapons designed to damage critical infrastructure. Among high-precision weapons, cruise missiles with radar correlation algorithms of extreme guidance play a significant role. The developed samples of high-precision weapons, depending on the method of delivery, are capable of hitting critical objects at a distance of up to a thousand kilometers, which significantly exacerbates the problem of ensuring the survivability of critical infrastructure objects, which determines the effectiveness of their operation. Based on this, one of the important issues in the development, modernization and operation of critical infrastructure is to increase the degree of protection of critical infrastructure from air attack means with radar correlation extreme targeting algorithms. One of the most important factors contributing to the possibility of normal life in the conditions of hostilities (war) is the means of protection, which ensure the maximum permissible levels of striking factors. The goal is to ensure the reliable functioning of critical infrastructure facilities under the conditions of the destructive influence of air attack means. The object of the study is the process of protection of technical facilities, machine (engine) halls of critical infrastructure facilities. The subject of the research is methods of protecting critical infrastructure objects from the destructive action of air attack means. The research methods are determined by the set of scientific research tasks and were carried out using: methods of system analysis; methods of numerical modeling. Based on the analysis, principles and requirements have been developed that allow for further research and development of means of protecting critical infrastructure objects from the destructive impact of air attack means. The results of the research project can be useful: in the development of the principles of the use of means of protection against the destructive effect of air attack means of various types; in the development of new and improvement of existing methods of reducing the impact of air attack on critical infrastructure objects to the maximum permissible level.

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