
Background: Mukha is an Anga who is exposed to several risk factors on a regular basis, hence Mukha Swasthya (oral hygiene) is becoming more and more significant. Tobacco chewing, smoking, and other habits have increased the prevalence of oral cavity diseases. In Ayurveda, Dantdhawana, Kavala, Gandusha, and various other remedies are mentioned to maintain Mukha Swasthya. Ayurvedic classical texts prescribe Dan-tadhwana by Datuna (Chewing Sticks) in the morning and after every meal to prevent mouth ailments. Kavala comprises swishing a certain oil or herbal decoction in the mouth for a particular duration, whereas Gandusha involves retaining a larger quantity of liquid in the oral cavity for a longer period of time. Both treatments pro-mote comprehensive cleansing by eliminating dirt, pollutants, and potentially hazardous germs from the mouth and throat. Material and Method: This review paper has been taken from different Ayurvedic classical textbooks, Text-books of Swasthavritta, and various modern and Ayurvedic research papers from PubMed, Google scholar, SCI etc. Discussion: Ayurveda defines Dantdhawana vidhi as routine oral hygiene maintenance procedure in Dinachar-ya, including Kavala, Gandusha etc. Similar to this, modern practices like tooth brushing and gargling help to maintain oral hygiene to become healthy and free of diseases. These practices enhance dental health, reduce plaque formation, prevent cavities, alleviate halitosis, and promote gum health. Dantadhawana with its antimi-crobial, anti-inflammatory, and tissue-strengthening properties, may contribute to improving oral hygiene and gum health. On the other hand, in Kavala and Gandusha, the swishing action and the prolonged contact of the liquid with the oral tissues enhance the absorption of these beneficial compounds, aiding in the removal of pathogens and the restoration of oral balance. Result: A vital sign of general health, happiness, and quality of life is good oral health. Dental caries, periodon-tal disease, tooth loss, oral cancer, orodental trauma, noma, and congenital impairments including cleft lip and palate are just a few of the illnesses and problems it covers. In Charaka Samhita, Dantadhawana is mentioned as the subset of Dincharya, whereas it was referenced by Acharya Sushruta in the section on cures (Chikista Sthana) and Ashtanga Hridaya primarily mentioned its preventive aspects. In various studies, it is found that Dantadhawana makes natural whitening of teeth, improves oral hygiene, Strengthen teeth and gum. Whereas Kavala and Gandusha help in reduction of harmful bacteria, makes breathe fresh, enhances oral health, nourish oral tissues.

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