
Hypertension is one of the major causes of disability and death all over the world. Hypertension without specific symptoms in its mild and moderate stages cannot be considered as a disease in Ayurveda. It appears to be an early stage of pathogenesis and a risk factor for the development of diseases affecting the heart, brain, kidneys eyes etc. Improper food habits and a modern sedentary lifestyle with or without genetic predisposition provoke and vitiate all the Tridoshas to trigger the pathogenesis of hypertension. It is proposed that hypertension is to be understood as the Prasara-Avastha which means the spread of vitiated Doshas from their specific sites. The Avarana(occlusion of normal functioning) of Vata Dosha by Pitta and Kapha can be seen in the Rasa-Rakta Dhathus, which in turn hampers the functioning of the respective Srotas(micro-channels) of circulation, which can be treated with Shamana, Shodhana and stress-induced cases treated with Medhya Rasayana.

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