
Formulation of the problem. Taking into account that agriculture is the branch closest to natural landscapes on the type of material-energy relations, the main task of agroecology is search of management forms (specialization) that would not exceed natural capacity of a specific territory. The best management of the nature use at the agro-landscape level can be implemented only in case of complete confidence in the land property, as well as in the presence of small areas from farmers that would correspond to the grassroots levels of the landscape structure. It is under this condition that the farmer can be taken care of with the support of the natural fertility of the land. In addition, the determined ownership of land (not lease) will force the peasant to form specialization in order to work as self-sustaining as possible. Under such conditions, the revival of domestic livestock, as a guarantee of the maintenance of natural fertility of soils is just a matter of time.The purpose of the article. To develop the concept of environmentally protective farming for the forest-steppe zone. Methods. Approbation of the theoretical foundations of the proposed Concept allowed to develop a harmonious methodology: at the first stage, numerous methods of environmental monitoring of various components in the agricultural landscape are used, such as methods of biological indication of pesticide residues in soils, instrumental and laboratory methods for evaluating environmental parameters, express estimation of environmental impacts on soils of separate branches of agriculture, GIS-modeling of agricultural typology and landscape - ecological planning; at the second stage, comprehensive methods on vermiculture study, ecological and biological technologies of agricultural crops cultivation have been developed, as well as biodynamic technologies in growing crops and methods of assessing the impact of food industry enterprises on the state of the environment.Results. The authors’ concept, adapted to the conditions of the UA forest-steppe area, consists of serial blocks of research: "Ecological monitoring of agro-landscape components "; "Ecological conversion of agro-landscapes"; "Landscape-ecological planning". The main goal of this Concept is not to focus on large agroholdings, but on farmer farmers.The experience of conducting an industrial typology of agriculture in the regions of the UA forest-steppe zone suggests that modern specialization is not only far from optimal in terms of compliance with natural conditions but also in many cases is devastating to soils. Therefore, the assessment of the environmental impact of each type of agriculture, first in the forest-steppe, and, subsequently, throughout the territory of Ukraine, can be analogous to the modern "electronic declaration" and will help develop a strategy for environmentally sound management of agriculture. The developed technological methods of ecological conversion (vermiculture, biodynamics, etc.) are adapted to the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine, and will help owners of peasant and farm enterprises implement this strategy in practice.


  • Within the framework of vermiculture study, the dynamics of the population of earthworm Eisenia foetida was studied depending on the different types of substrates

  • The studies revealed a certain dependence of the dynamics of Eisenia foetida population den

  • The results of experiments on vermiculture have shown that it is possible to breed Eisenia foetida aboriginal population adapted to local conditions in farms, as well as the possibility of biological utilization of organic matter formed annually in the fields with the help of a worm

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(Altieri et al, 2011; Bommarco et al, 2012; Caron et al, 2014) Direct consequence of this negative impact is the fact that since the beginning of the 3rd millennium the world agriculture has left behind industry and transportation, burning fossil fuels, mainly due to plowing of a large array of lands (Сsoil+ О2 atmosphere = СО2) by emissions of carbon monoxide to atmosphere by 10% (Lun et al, 2016; Foley, 2011). There is another, ―stretched out in time‖ and, externally imperceptible impact of agriculture on the landscape It is loss of soil humus (Semenov, 2013). In many countries of the world these issues are covered in the landscape legislation which has not been adopted in Ukraine yet (Maksymenko, 2017a; Bulgakov, 2018; Douglas, 2017). These issues are of great importance for ForestSteppe zone where the steppe and forest landscapes diversity does not allow us to explore all data

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