
Collection of medicinal parts for therapeutic preparations is known as Dravyasangrahana. For collecting different openions about dravyasangrahana, literatures about dravyasangrahana in different ayurvedic texts Charakasamhitha,Susruthasamhitha,Ashtaangahridaya, Shaarngdharasamhitha and Raajanighantu were reviewed. Ayurveda details many factors to be considered during drug collection. To attain desired therapeutic result it is mandatory to collect the drug having optimum rasaveeryaadi qualities. In Ayurvedic literature, drug collection has been mentioned according to different criteria like desa, bhoomi, kaala, nature of dravya collected and person collecting drug. Basic concepts of Ayurveda like tridosha and panchamahaabhootha were given importance in deciding drugs on the basis of quality of desa and bhoomi. Season of collection, properties of drug, method of collection, veerya of drug also have given importance. There are some references in shaarngdharasamhitha regarding collection of drugs like cares to be taken when drugs in wet and dry state are collected.

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