
This paper proposes an extension of the principles of an adaptive programming environment based on the considered intersubject and interpersonal programming paradigms and the use of oracles, concepts, copmozies, and open-loop systems. The purpose of this work is to develop the foundations of an adaptive technological programming environment based on an intersubjective paradigm. In order to achieve the above goal, it is necessary to substantially expand the understanding of programming by introducing certain conceptual and logical structures. Based on such structures, you can lay the foundations for the technological process of programming, when the property of each individual subject of programming will be available to everyone. An oracle open-loop system describing the general scheme of programming is considered. In such a scheme, the active role of the subject is decisive, since the process of creating the program is regarded as determined by the subject. This suggests that the interest-based paradigm defines the programming process as the essence that is determined by the program itself. Conceptualization in the context of the oracle interaction scheme is considered. Oracle structures enrich the conception, form a point of view on the program as a structural activity, and on the concept as an appropriate structure. Conceptualization is defined as the sequence of actions of the subject who creates the program, the concept of which is a composition. Moreover, each stage of such a concept is also a specific concept. There are two types of composites. The first is composites that determine the understanding of a composition as the stages of composites, and the second includes basic composites that determine the active role of the subject in conception. Examples of using reduction to demonstrate the relationship of composition and decomposition in conceptualization. Schemes of concepts for various composite and composite concepts are given. These schemes are also important because they clearly reflect the fact of complementarity between the two poles of conception - synthesis and analysis, composition and decomposition. The meaningful meaning of reduction considered in the paper is that it naturally implements the "divide and conquer" paradigm in understanding the subject's active role in conceptualization. This allows you to depart from the general concept of programming as a subject-specific activity and to lay the foundations for its technologicalization. To this end, among the vast variety of compositions, composites stand out as the basic gene structures. Compared to them, any other composition is formed as a derivative of the consistent use of composites. An effective object programming environment is developed based on the concept of reduction. Adaptation of this environment is made for the standard system of software algebras. This demonstrates the solution of a number of representative numerical analysis problems.


  • This paper proposes an extension of the principles of an adaptive programming environment based on the considered intersubject and interpersonal programming paradigms and the use of oracles, concepts, copmozies, and open-loop systems

  • Keywords — concept; monad; composite; oracle; oracle diagram; softwawe enviroment; reductio; intersubjective paradigm; reduction

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Відповідно до цієї парадигми найважливішим у процесі програмування є створення плану програми. Така діяльність визначається активною роллю суб’єкта, який безпосередньо реалізовує цей план. В. Він називається концептом, а діяльність по його реалізації – концептуванням. У такому випадку результатом програмотворчого процесу є суть, що визначає сутність. Що концепт – це суть, що визначає сутність. Де план – це концепт, а створення плану – це концептування. Що вони є носіями якісних суб’єктивних обумовлень, які за Б. Наведені вище визначення складають оракульну відкрито-замкнену систему, що описує загальну схему програмотворення. Така схема заснована визначальній активній ролі суб’єкта, розглядаючи процес програмотворення як такий, що визначається безпосередньо суб’єктом [3]. Виходячи з цього інтерсуб’єктивна парадигма визначає процес програмування як суть, що визначається самою програмою

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