
The article is devoted to the linguistic description of the concept “loneliness” in the language of the Ukrainian poetry at the end of ХХ – beginning of ХХІ centuries. The authors prove that “loneliness” concept is a productive instrumentation of lingual depiction of the psychological portrayal of a contemporary. Language of the poetic works at the end of ХХ – beginning of ХХІ centuries gives a convincing evidence to this statement. It represents such lingual signs of the “loneliness” leitmotif as the abstract nouns loneliness, solitude, fragmentation, loner, sad and lonely, recluse, away from everyone, epithets lonely, lone, reclusive, deserted. In process of the artistic modelling of the state of loneliness the lingual images with the space, quantity or the auditory semantics are used. In the language of the Ukrainian poetry at the end of ХХ – beginning of ХХІ centuries such line of the imaginary creation is accompanied with the associates fold, circle, labyrinth, wall, home, room, barrier, etc. They are functioning as the components of the imaginative structures of the different degree of extension. It may be two-componential genitive metaphor or vast metaphoric descriptions which are the components of the predicative metaphor. Suffering of the lonely person are expressively depicted in the poetic contexts united with the quantitative meaning. Such meaning is typical for the numerals and adjectives (big) or adverbs (to overflowing). Semantic field created around the nomination loneliness provides an indication of such trend of the modern lingual creativity as gradual concretization of the abstract loneliness. In such process the associative halo changes its emotional and evaluative marking. However, the associative parallels with the world of nature usually have general positive connotation and the object associations are the factors of the context domestication together with the connotation change. During the abstract “loneliness” concretization demotion of the poetic statement also takes place. Sublime tone and evaluation are episodic while the object associations are the lingual symbols of the domestic or ironic colour. The efficiency of such imaginative line is asserted by the personifying structures with the lexical centre “loneliness”. We’d like to note that during the nearing to the concretization loneliness abstract develops its own epithet field of colours. Latter are mainly eligible or achromatic nominations. Among the other characteristic poetic phenomena is modelling of the imaginative structures meaning the psychological state of loneliness extended to the micro text level. The lingual material analysed makes possible to come to the conclusion of the importance of the loneliness concept in process of the psychological portrayal of the contemporary. The imaginative structures observed prove the importance of the philosophical reflection and poetic depiction of the problem of loneliness in the modern world.

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