
For both CFETR and EU-DEMO remote handling system, maintenance casks are critical systems to provide storage and sealing functions. The maintenance devices and tools inside a cask receive power and signals during operation from the cask automatic connectors which are located at both sides of the Hot Cell Docking ports and the Tokamak machine Docking ports, respectively. For perfect transmission of power and signals, the automatic connector should have self-alignment capability and reasonable cable routing. Structural flexibility should be designed for the connector to compensate for the engagement misalignment induced by the structure and the control of the cask transporter. Moreover, the automatic connector should be connecting electric wires for motors, sensors, fiber optics, etc. The automatic connector must have high reliability to ensure that there will be no damage during the life cycle of the fusion reactor. A conceptual design of the connector has been developed. This will be presented together with prototype and validation works that are currently being implemented in close collaboration between European laboratories and the Comprehensive Research facility for Fusion Technology (CRAFT) at ASIPP in Hefei.

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