
During the Third Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-3) of EUMETSAT, the Satellite Application Facility (SAF) on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) extends its product portfolio with a Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR) of Regional Land Fluxes based on two sensors of the Meteosat suite of geostationary satellites: the Meteosat Visible and InfraRed Imager (MVIRI) and the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI). The Regional Land Fluxes TCDR will provide various parameters depicting the surface states and radiation fluxes, including the Surface Radiative Balance (SRB), the Cloud Fractional Cover (CFC), the Land Surface Temperature (LST), the Evapotranspiration (ET) and the Latent (LE) and Sensible (H) Heat Fluxes. The TCDR is achieved by consolidating and unifying previously separated developments in CM SAF, LSA SAF and the EUMETSAT Secretariat, and running them in a joint retrieval using the Meteosat Fundamental Climate Data Record. This unique concept ensures consistency among the TCDR parameters.We focus here on the SRB product of the Regional Land Flux TCDR. All components of the SRB - including the Surface Incoming Solar radiation (SIS, or solar irradiance), the Surface Albedo (SAL), the Surface Outgoing Longwave radiation (SOL) and the Surface Downward Longwave radiation (SDL) - are jointly retrieved using the CM SAF software “GeoSatClim” over the period 1983-2020. The SRB data record covers area up to 65°N/S and 65°W/E. The TCDR consists in hourly, daily and monthly means with a spatial resolution of 0.05 degree.In this presentation, we show the detailed concept of the SRB algorithm. The SRB product and its single components are validated with BSRN, GEBA, ASRB and SwissMetNet ground based stations and they are compared with other global SRB products such as ERA5-Land, ISCCP-FH and CLARA. Overall, the SRB monthly mean absolute bias reaches the target accuracy of 15 W.m-2, and the SRB stability falls below the requirement of 2 W/m2/decade.

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