
Abstract. Statistics prove that the number of disasters, especially weather-related, increased during the last decades. This leads to high demands on participants in disaster management processes. To meet these requirements the provision of geodata, as a part of the information base, plays a key role. A preliminary theoretical consideration points out the evaluation of the benefits of geodata in disaster scenarios as well as the requirements for the provision of geoinformation products and systems in this field of application. There already exist several approaches that differ in the used data, the functionalities or the concept in general. As an alternative, this work introduces a new architectural concept of immediate geodata provision for disaster management based on the usage of free data and free software components. A system consisting of several free software components forms the basis of this approach. With vector data from OpenStreetMap and remote sensing data from the United States Geological Survey a batch script driven geoinformation system creates map tiles or images for end-users in disaster management within minutes.


  • One fundamental element in the disaster management process is the basis of information and in particular geospatial information, as the Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany (GDI-DE) committee, an initiative of public authorities in Germany, states (Ostrau et al, 2013): „The Management [...] of disasters require static geodata as well dynamic geodata.“ The general benefits of the use of geoinformation in disaster scenarios are discussed in the VALID study by the United Nations

  • The main part of this paper describes an alternative concept of a geoinformation system (GIS) for disaster management support

  • SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Outcomes Geodata are a key resource in successfully handling disaster situations

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From 2000 to 2012 material damages in the amount of US$ 1.7 trillion and a loss of 1.2 million human lives worldwide were recorded (UNISDR, 2013). These numbers show the importance of efficient disaster management. From a variety of solutions using geoinformation to support the disaster management this work will present some existing concepts to point out the state of the art. Reference Maps show the boundaries, names and unique identifiers of standard geographic areas, as well as major cultural and physical features, such as roads, railroads, coastlines, rivers and lakes, i.e. topography, delineation maps the extents of the area affected by the disaster and grading maps present the assessment of the damage grade and its spatial distribution. Assessment of the damage grade could be done afterwards based on remote sensing products

Benefit assessment of geodata in disaster management
Collaborative remote sensing data acquisition
Flood hazard maps
Import of OpenStreetMap vector data
Import of remote sensing data
The rendering process
Updating the local database
Limitations and potential extensions
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