
Introduction: Metabolic processes controlled by cellular signaling mechanisms influence differentiation, proliferation, functional activity, and phenotypic stability of T cells. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a positive regulator of glycolysis. HIF-1 can be activated by an oxygen-independent pathway through the transcriptional activator STAT3. Sirtuin-3 (SIRT3) regulates the activity of the mitochondrial processes. Aim: To determine the change in the content of metabolic regulators (HIF-1a, SIRT3) and the level of differentiation antigens of peripheral blood lymphocytes in practically healthy northerners. Methods: The sample consisted of 16 female and 12 male healthy volunteer residents of the Arkhangelsk region aged 23-60 years. The following parameters were measured: the total number of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, the amount of CD4+, CD8+, CD10+, CD71+ cells by an indirect immunoperoxidase method, the content of HIF-1a and SIRT3 in lymphocyte lysate by an enzyme immunoassay. Cluster analysis of the data using "K means" method was performed to identify groups which are significantly different for all included parameters. Results: The ratio HIF-1a/SIRT3 in the group of individuals with the higher total number of lymphocytes and CD4+, CD8+, CD10+, CD71+ subtypes was 4,5 times as high as in the other groups. These findings suggest the predominance of glycolysis in cellular metabolism. Conclusion: The change in the ratio of mitochondrial metabolism and the levels of signaling molecules regulating the glycolysis pathways is important for the development of T cells. The study of signaling mechanisms allows to analyze in detail the T cell link of immunity, to search for targets and to carry out molecular-targeted effects aimed at levelling immune disorders through the correction of metabolism

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