
Fourteen species of wild growing mushrooms and surface (0–10 cm) soils were collected near Lake Wdzydze in the northern part of Poland in 1996–1997 to understand the status of mercury pollution. Concentrations of mercury in mushrooms varied between 100±30 and 2400±1900 ng g-1 dry matter in caps and 60±1 and 1300±1500 ng g-1 dry matter in stalks. Concentrations of mercury in underlying soil were between 30±1 and 140±120 ng g-1 dry matter (between 36±18 and 63±100 ng g-1 depending on the soil type). Bioconcentration factors (BCF: concentrations in mushroom/concentrationin soil) of total mercury were between 2.3±1.1 and 90±110 for caps, and between 2.1±1.0 and 53±56 for stalks. Scaly tooth (Sarcodon imbricatum) contained the greatest concentrations of mercury in the flesh. However, there was no significant relationship (p >: 0.05) between mercury content in the fruiting bodies of this speciesto soil mercury concentrations. A significant (p < 0.01) positive relationship between mercury content in caps to underlying soil was noted for European cow bolete (Suillus bovinus), while a negative relationship between mercury content in caps and stalks to underlying soil was observed for Sandy knight-cap (Tricholomaflavovirens), Shaggy scale-head (Pholiota squaroso-adiposa),Gypsy mushroom (Rozites caperata) and Pine spike cap (Chroogomphus rutilus).

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